Young Lab


博主用latex写的里德堡原子综述(主要是摘抄别人的综述与维基百科) property of rydberg atom(1).pdf

站主-侯扬 站主-侯扬 发布于 2024-01-20

books on atomic physics and quantum optics

As follows: Quantum and Atom Optics[Daniel.A.Steck].pdf Quantum optics an introduction (Mark Fox)— (Z-Library).pdf

站主-侯扬 站主-侯扬 发布于 2024-01-03

literature review about rydberg atom

as follows(: 2010-Rev.Mod.phys_Saffman.pdf Quantum optics with Rydberg superatoms.pdfi

站主-侯扬 站主-侯扬 发布于 2023-12-30